The clash between two seasons is among the most amazing things in nature. Headed out at 5 AM this morning to photograph cherry blossoms under 4 inches of slushy April 21st "powder." Took plenty of those pics, but could not shake the realness of this shot. This Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is lying exactly as I found it on the sidewalk, undoubtedly lulled out of its chrysalis by weeks of unseasonably warm temperatures. Mother nature keeps it real, y'all.
To that end, stopped at Bradley Woods on the way home. The road was closed but I stopped & ventured in on foot. No joke, locked eyes on a full-grown tree that looked like it was leaning a bit...& it broke loose RIGHT THEN. It fell big & hard about 40 feet away. It all happened in about five seconds. Mother nature keeps it real, y'all. (I'll throw a quick video of the tree in the story)